General Info

Principal: Laura Foxx
Phone: 860.623.2433
Assistant Principal:
Matthew Ryan

Grade Levels: PreK-4


Non-Discrimination Policy

2024-2025 BBES Student Handbook

Safe School Climate Plan


Quick Info

Registration and Enrollment

To register your child in the East Windsor Public Schools,  click here or contact Sarah Reichle, registrar, at

Grading System

GRADING SYSTEM Standards-Based Report Card 

  1. Standards-based grading focuses on a student’s progress toward meeting grade level standards rather than a simple accumulation of points. 
  2. It uses a number scale (4, 3, 2, 1) rather than a letter scale (A, B, C, D, F). 
  3. It is not influenced by non-academic factors, such as tardiness or behavior. 
  4. Performance levels are determined by each student’s performance or demonstration of the standard. 
  5. The goal is for all students to meet or exceed standards by the end of the year. 
  6. In a Standards-Based Grading system a student’s performance level depends on showing mastery of the standards. Completing the assigned work is important to a student’s learning. 
  7. Assignments will be scored on what a student demonstrates they know. 
  8. If a student completes all assigned work, but is unable to demonstrate mastery of the content knowledge, the student will not receive a 4 (Exceeds) or 3 (Meets).

Grade Name Explanation 

4 Exceeding Standard Student demonstrates or produces work performance beyond the grade level standard. (Cumulative Score 3.7 to 4.0)
3 Meeting Standard Student demonstrates or produces work performance at the grade level standard. (Cumulative Score 2.8 to 3.6)
2 Progressing Towards Standard Student demonstrates or produces work meeting some elements of the standard or inconsistently meets the standard. (Cumulative Score 1.8 to 2.7) Report card language reflects end of year expectations, therefore most students will have a 2 on many indicators during the year.
1 Not Meeting Standard Student does not demonstrate or produces work at the grade level standard. (Cumulative Score 1.7 or less) IE Insufficient Evidence Student demonstrates or produces insufficient evidence to determine a rating.
NA Not Assessed Student has not been assessed on this standard due to pacing of instruction. Not all standards are assessed Performance Levels For additional information on Standards-Based Report Cards please click on this link. 

Student/Parent Handbook
Staff Directory

The staff directory can be found here

2024-2025 Quarter 2
Crystal Apple Award Recipient
Darlene Oppedisano

2024-2025 Quarter 2
Outstanding Student

Gianna Jimenez (Left) & Gianna Parent (Right)

Pre K and Kindergarten Registration Information

Our Mission & Vision

The mission of Broad Brook School, a partnership of school, parents and community, is to prepare children for the future by providing knowledge and skills to achieve academic excellence, personal growth, and success in a safe, positive and diverse environment.

About Us

At Broad Brook, we teach our students the skills needed to succeed in school and in life. Through our district’s innovative approach to teaching and learning, our students are encouraged to be curious, to be motivated, and to be problem solvers. It is all part of what is known as “Portrait of a Graduate”. From the early grades through graduation, students learn to be open-minded but also to be critical thinkers, and to be aware of the world around them.  

As a school community,  we have high expectations for every child’s academic and social development. Throughout the year, students are assessed to determine current instructional levels and receive direct personalized instruction to ensure that they are making progress. In addition to implementing effective instructional strategies, we also employ the principles of Responsive Classroom, Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Learning Competencies to create a positive and nurturing learning environment in the classroom and throughout the school.

All school information is posted on the parent portal. Your child’s teacher will post updates and we will post school and community announcements. Report cards are accessed through your child’s portal page. If you need help, please contact Mrs. Murphy at 860-623-2433. To access the portal, visit PowerSchool

Teachers can login here.

PowersSchool Parent Portal User Guide


Understanding the PowerSchool Mobile App

PowerSchool-Password Recovery-Parents and Guardians

PowerSchool Parent Portal-Adding Multiple Student Access In Your Existing Account

How to view report cards in the PS parent portal

An adult must escort the child across the street using a crosswalk and to the drop off entrance. At 8:45 AM, a staff member will greet students at the PK door across from the cafeteria entrance (to the left of the main office vestibule). Only students will enter the building. For safety and security reasons no parents or visitors are allowed in the building. As a reminder, students are not allowed at school until 8:45. To that end, students will not be allowed in the building until 8:45. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with these safety procedures.

Parents may pick up their child between 3:35-3:45 PM at the cafeteria doors, located behind the cafeteria. After 3:45, children may be picked up from the main office. Parents will be greeted at the cafeteria door and asked to show a picture ID and state the full name of the child(ren) they are picking up. Students will be released when their parent shows their ID and the staff member verifies the parent’s name on the dismissal list. If you are picking up your child, you need to send in a note with your child in the morning clearly stating the full name of the person picking up the child. If you are picking up your child during the school day, after you ring the bell, you will be asked to state who you are picking up and show a photo ID. You will need to hold the ID right up to the camera. Once the child is in the office, he/she will be dismissed to you. 


  • There are designated visitor parking spots for parents. They are located in the parking lot on Rye St and next to the school by the main entrance next to the main office. We ask everyone to park in legal spaces and ensure that you and your child are able to exit and enter your vehicle safely.
  • From 8:00-9:05 AM the south parking lot (behind the cafeteria) will be closed to all traffic.
  • Do not park in front of the school on Rye Street from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM as this area is needed to stage busses for arrival and dismissal.
  • For drop off and pick up parents must park in the Rye St. parking lot or at Town Hall.
  • If you need to pick up your child during the school day, there are two visitor parking spaces located next to the main office. If these are occupied, please use the visitor spaces in the Rye St parking lot. 

In order to ensure that all students are on the correct bus we will issue each student a bus tag. All students are expected to wear these tags on their backpack each day. The tags will provide the students, driver and staff a visual reminder of which bus the student needs to be on. Students will receive their tag on their first day of Page 2 school from their teacher. Please have your PK or Kindergarten student wear a name tag when they board the bus on the first day of school. Name tags will be available for pick up at Kindergarten and PK orientations. If you are allowing your third or fourth grade student to exit the bus without a parent/adult present you must send in a note. If you are allowing an older sibling to escort a K-2 student home, please send in a note or complete this online form. Otherwise, an adult must be present to meet your child at the bus.

Buses will unload and load in the front circle three at a time. Buses will stage on Rye Street. Please do not park in front of the school on Rye Street from 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM.

These procedures are for the continued safety of the BBS students and staff. We appreciate your help and patience. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback please contact Laura Foxx, Principal, or Matt Ryan, the Assistant Principal.

School cancelations related to snow, ice, and other unexpected emergencies will be reported via SchoolMessanger, as well as on the East Windsor Public School website, and local television stations: WFSB(TV3), and WVIT(TV30). 

Normally, a SchoolMessanger is sent no later than 5:45AM and an announcement is made between 5:45AM and 7:45AM by the media on the day of the cancellation or delayed opening. Please check the weather-related annoucements on the radio/television or website rather than contacting your child’s school or Central Office. 

One important factor in preparing for emergency-related messages is to ensure your contact information is correct and kept up-to-date throughout the school year. 

Delayed Opening
Weather conditions may require a delay, rather than a closing. Delays will be for two hours. This means all bus pick-ups will occur two hours later than usual. In addition, all school opening schedules will be delayed two hours for staff and students. When a delay is announced, there will be no morning pre-school programs. However, the afternoon pre-school will occur according to the regular schedule. Also, lunch will be served on these days and the dismissal time will remain the same. 

Early/Delayed Dismissal
Occasionally, inclement weather starts of is forecast or is forecast to start after the school day begins, so it may be necessary to release students early, delay dismissal (in the event of an emergency, i.e. tornado warning), and/or cancel after school activities. There may be times when a modified early dismissal may be used if the forecast indicates that weather conditions could likely have a significant impact on our regular early dismissal times. If circumstances require an early/delayed dismissal or after school program cancellation, the announcement will be made as soon as possible via SchoolMessenger, on our district website, and on the above listed radio and television stations. In the even of a modified early dismissal, specific dismissal times will be included with the School Messenger and posted on the district website. We ask all families to plan in advance for this early/delayed dismissal, and/or after school activities cancellation announcement. Please make arrangements to have someone meet your child at the bus stop or at your home if you are unable to be home due to work commitments. 

One Final Note
The decision to hold school is based upon the general conditions and in consultation with our local school transportation and DPW. We understand that at times parents may disagree with our decision. We encourage parents to use their own judgement with respect to sending their child/children to school.  


14 Rye Street
Broad Brook, CT 06016

School Hours

M-F: 9:05am – 3:40pm
AM PreK: 9:05am – 11:55am
PM PreK: 12:50pm – 3:40pm


Upcoming Events

Our Principal

“Broad Brook isn’t just about strong academics. The school is
focused on helping students understand and manage their emotions. The approach focuses on helping students exhibit self control, deal with challenges, and set and achieve personal goals. Students learn how to incorporate self-discipline into their studies, developing the planning and organizational skills they need to succeed.”

Laura Foxx




Hear from our community

“I was a student here. Now I teach here. I love this school because it is such a close community, we have great students, and the parental engagement is amazing.”

Allison Duguay, preschool teacher.

“I love working here. Being an art teacher allows me to express my creativity with the students. It is cool to see the kids embrace art and for me to see them grow as young artists.”

– Lindsay Tran, art teacher.

“I love coming to school every day! There are lots of fun events and then there’s all the fun things I get to learn about.”

Madison Donahue, kindergarten student.


Academic, Artistic, and Athletic after school programs


Committed to each student's success

Get In Touch

Location: 14 Rye St, Broad Brook, CT 06016

Telephone: 860.623.2433


School Hours: M-F: 9:05am – 3:40pm

Our mission: 

East Windsor Public Schools will provide a high-quality, comprehensive, and meaningful education for all students within a safe and nurturing environment. Each student will be treated as an individual and taught to function as a member of a group and as a productive member of society. We will strive for each student to be proficient in all curricular areas. Our guiding principle: Inspiring growth. Achieving success.