General Info


Timothy Field
Phone: 860-623-4488

Assistant Principal:

Lynda Daitch

Grade Levels: 5-8

2024-2025 EWMS Student Handbook

2024-2025 School Calendar

Safe School Climate Plan


Quick Info

Registration and Enrollment

To register your child in the East Windsor Public Schools, click here or contact Sarah Reichle, registrar, at

Testing and Standards

GRADING SYSTEM Standards-Based Report Card 

  1. Standards-based grading focuses on a student’s progress toward meeting grade level standards rather than a simple accumulation of points. 
  2. It uses a number scale (4, 3, 2, 1) rather than a letter scale. 
  3. It is not influenced by non-academic factors, such as tardiness or behavior. 
  4. Performance levels are determined by each student’s performance or demonstration of the standard.
  5. The goal is for all students to meet or exceed standards by the end of the year. 
  6. In a Standards-Based Grading system a student’s performance level depends on showing mastery of the standards. Completing the assigned work is important to a student’s learning. 
  7. Assignments will be scored on what a student demonstrates they know. 
  8. If a student completes all assigned work, but is unable to demonstrate mastery of the content knowledge, the student will not receive a 4 (Exceeds) or 3 (Meets). 

Effort and Conduct 

Effort and conduct are included as part of the grading system at East Windsor Middle School. The following four-point scale will be used to determine student effort and conduct: 

4: Exceeds expectations 

3: Consistently meets expectations 

2: Occasionally meets expectations 

1: Has yet to demonstrate expectations on a consistent basis 50 Honor Roll Honor Roll recognizes consistent academic performance. At the close of each marking period, an honor roll is released for all students. 

The following criteria are used to determine the honor roll: 

High Honors Mastery in all content areas: 2.8 or higher 

Honor Roll Mastery in all content areas: 2.5 or higher


Staff Directory

The staff directory can be found here

Student Athlete/ Student Accident Insurance Options

The East Windsor Public Schools partners with Lefebvre Insurance, LLC to offer families insurance coverage for student athletes and student accidents. More information is available by clicking on CT Student Insurance brochure for 2023-2024


2024-2025 Quarter 2
Crystal Apple Award Recipient

Bridget Green


2024-2025 Quarter 2
Outstanding Student

Annett Recinos

About Us

We see our students grow from 5th graders to 8th graders. It is our mission that each child will reach his or her full potential by setting high expectations for achievement and citizenship, and providing the necessary resources and supports to ensure student success.

East Windsor Middle School is expanding its talented and gifted program. The school recently hired a new talented and gifted teacher and already has 90 students enrolled in the enrichment activities this semester.  The course offerings include music, art, drama, athletic, and academic enrichment.

2024-2025 School Calendar

2024-2025 Important Dates

PowerSchool for parents and students

Teachers can access PowerSchool here. 

Our Mission & Vision

The East Windsor Middle School is a community of educators, parents, and townspeople that recognize that each child is a unique individual possessing different abilities, interests and needs. Our goal is to be an exemplary middle school that promotes success and a sense of optimism in each student’s future.

At East Windsor Middle School, we believe school should feel like a second home to all of our students and We strive for “Inspiring Growth, Achieving Success.”


38 Main Street,
Broad Brook, CT 06016

School Hours

Monday thru Friday: 8:10 am – 2:45 pm
Early Release: 8:10 am -12:45 pm

Phone & Email

(860) 623-4488


East Windsor MiDDle School Events Calendar

Our Principal


“The middle school years are tough for kids, but you know, for me the rewarding part is seeing them grow and mature and succeed.

One of the things I absolutely love about my job is seeing kids begin to find themselves and start to pick their path to success.”

Timothy Field





What Our Staff Is Saying

” I enjoy teaching here because I’m given the necessary time and freedom to create a learning environment that is enjoyable and engaging for my students.”

-Michael Brunt, 5th grade


“Teaching here is special because it is like one big family. In a school this size, we really get to know every student well.”

Sarah Chmiel, 7th Grade

“I enjoy teaching here because of the supportive teachers, the hard working staff, and I love seeing the progress my students make each year.”

– Christine Mastrangelo, 6th Grade



Academic, Artistic, Athletic After School programs


Committed to student success

Get In Touch

Location: 38 Main Street, Broadbrook, CT, 06016

Telephone: (860) 623-4488


School Hours: M-F: 8:10am – 2:45pm
Shortened Days:  8:10am – 12:45pm

Our mission

East Windsor Public Schools will provide a high-quality, comprehensive, and meaningful education for all students within a safe and nurturing environment. Each student will be treated as an individual and taught to function as a member of a group and as a productive member of society. We will strive for each student to be proficient in all curricular areas. Our guiding principle: Inspiring growth. Achieving success.